July 10th, 2019
July 10th, 2019
July 13 - Summer Parent Conferences
July 13 - Go Karts and Laser Tag Activity
July 20 - Admissions Tag-a-Long Open House
July 20 - Water Park Trip
July 27 - End of Summer
August 9 - OCS/NCO Matriculation
August 16 - Football and Soccer Matriculation
August 24 - New Cadet Matriculation
August 26 - Returning Cadets Matriculation
August 29 - Convocation
September 7 - Founders Day
Our Academy structure and daily rigors have been introduced and the Summer Cadets have accepted the challenge and responded very well. The week was kickstarted by an Ice Cream Social with all the trimmings to include chocolate syrup and sprinkles. Leadership discussed the importance of building community and worked through the natural friction of bringing together almost 80 boys. Next was the 4th of July celebration that included a full blown picnic, slip and slides, super soakers and fireworks. From all accounts, the Cadets had a great time.
For your situational awareness, we had less than a half dozen young men leave campus on pass this weekend. Our Student Activities Coordinator was extremely busy this weekend as we had approximately forty five Cadets that went to the movies on Friday evening, forty plus Cadets went to the Trampoline Park on Saturday, 18 Adventure Campers went canoeing down the James River, and 41 traversed the landscape of Hargrave as they participated in a rousing match of Paintball on Sunday.
SgtMajor M. K Payne, Director - Center for Integrated Studies
On Sunday, Lt.Col. Morris spoke in Chapel about the importance of a Faith Based life and the praise and worship band from the Hope Church in Danville, VA led the Cadets in music. On Thursday, Col. Brown spoke about Courage to kick off the 4th of July. This past Sunday, Coach Schaum spoke about Excellence.
The Cadets have an allotted time each day for devotional time. They have been provided guidance as to appropriate uses of time -- two that track directly with our chapel themes: a traditional Christian devotional that has been written for young men or a journaling exercise, and a mindfulness or reflection time. The devotional time is intended to provide daily time to both wind-down and seek perspective within each Cadet's life.
SgtMajor M. K Payne, Director - Center for Integrated Studies
In addition to getting all the students into the swing of things in the classroom, faculty have sent out welcome emails. The 10 How-to-Study lessons were taught and incorporated into the normal coursework so that those skills could be understood in context and practiced.
During the week the Cadets will continue to cover requisite class work and by mid-week begin to review for midterm exams this weekend.
SgtMajor M. K Payne, Director - Center for Integrated Studies
Each day the Cadets with the most squared away rooms are recognized at the noon formation. Two names have been called each day and this weekend Cadets John Classen and Anthony DeSousa were awarded Presidential Coins by Colonel Brown for not just their room inspections being outstanding all week but also for their display of the Hargrave core values.
These two young men are setting the standard and were the first to receive a challenge coin this summer.
This summer Hargrave is holding a series of discussions focused on the dangers and addictive nature of vaping. The Military Department has been emphasizing the "rules and regulations" and our head nurse has been emphasizing the dangers to health, long term impact (addiction and cost) and providing a resource to turn in vaping paraphernalia without the threat of being in trouble.
The next phase of this program will be small group discussions by teams, led by our Interns and monitored by the TACs. We are working to get a representative from youth-led initiatives to speak before the end of the Summer Program.
Notes from the Head Nurse
- E-Cigarettes have many different names. Most known as "e-cigs", "vapes" and "JUUL's". 99% of these devices contain nicotine.
- JUUL "pods" have the highest amount of nicotine. One "pod" is equal to 20 cigarettes.
- Nicotine can cause harm to brain development. Brain development continues until you are about 25 years of age
- Nicotine is highly addictive which can lead to other forms of drug/alcohol use.
- All of the devices contain cancer causing chemicals and heavy metals.
- Average age to start using any type of tobacco device is 15 years old.
- Youth are 16 times more likely to begin using these devices that adults.
- Sellers of these products use "flavors" to entice the youth and use advertising geared toward the youth.
LtCol Morris - Commandant of Cadets
Summer Photos and videos are being shared on our social media. You do not have to have an account to view the photos and videos.
Downloadable and printable photos are also being shared on Smugmug. You can download photos at no cost by clicking on the arrow below each photo or you can order prints from Smugmug.
Please share these experiences and memories with your friends and family.